In the Company of Men

Howard's in charge
of the project I work on.

- Christine's a secretary on three.
- Oh, is that right?

Yeah. This is hilarious.
Suddenly I see you everywhere.
I mean, you know how this is, Christine.

Howard and I have the same alma mater.
He graduates a semester ahead of me,
and now he's my boss.

- Just on this one project.
- Come on now.

Don't be modest. They picked you
over me or anybody else. You're it.

- You got time to sit?
- No, I can't.

I gotta get upstairs.
Lot of reports due.

End of the month, you know.
That's too bad.
Oh, shoot.
I gotta take this. I'm sorry.
Excuse me? I'll be right back.

I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You must really like this place.
No. He had already made plans.
It's no big deal.
I should...
Forgive me. I still...
It's okay.
Where'd Howard go?
He said he had to go.
Do you two...
I mean, you work together.

Yeah. I do most of the marketing.
Howard coordinates all the divisions.

You knew that, right? There's six of us
brought in from all over for this thing.

No. So many people come and go,
I didn't know.
