Jackie Brown

The same thing happen to a movie star,
they call it "possession".

Still sounds high.
Well, um, she had on her,
I believe it was 50 grand in cash.

All right, before we start
talking about stewardesses...

let's get Beaumont
out of the way first.

You know, I think
somebody already did.

- What?
- You ain't hear?

- Hear what?
- Somebody with a grudge blew Beaumont's brains out.

Oh, shit.
That shit rhymes.

Blew Beaumont's
brains out.

Police make contact
with you?

Oh, hell, yeah.
First motherfucking thing they did.

You know, they see I pay
a big money bond for my boy...

they start thinking that "where there's
smoke there's fire" logic.

Rousted my ass out of bed
10:00 in the morning.

Scared the shit out
of my woman Sheronda.

She thought they was gonna
take my ass away for sure.

- This stewardess...
- You know her last name?

Brown. Jackie Brown.
- What does she do for you?
- Who said she do anything for me?

She's my friend. My friends get
in trouble, I like to help them out.

Beaumont worked for you.
This you and me talking,
like lawyer-client thing?

You can't tell nothing
I say to you?

You're not my client till you
get busted and I bond you out.

Well, we ain't got no, uh...
What you call that shit?

Why should I
tell you anything?

'Cause you want me to know
what a slick guy you are.

You got stewardesses
bringing you 50 grand.

And why would a stewardess
be bringing me 50 grand?

Now you want me to speculate
on what you do.

I'd say you were in the drug business, except
the money's moving in the wrong direction.

Whatever you're into, you seem to be getting
away with it, so, uh, more power to you.

All right.
You want another bond?

You want to move the 10,000 you got
on Beaumont over to the stewardess.

That means paperwork.
I gotta get a death certificate,
present it to the court...

make out a receipt for return of bond
collateral, type up another application...

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
...another indemnity agreement.

- Jackie ain't got time for this.
- I'm telling you what I have to do.
