Jackie Brown

What you have to do,
in case you forgot...

is come up with a premium of a thousand bucks.
- I can do that.

You know I got the money.
I just ain't got it with me.

Come back when you do.
I'll bond out the stewardess.

Look, you got to look at this
with a little compassion, all right?

Jackie ain't no criminal. She ain't
used to this kind of treatment.

Gangsters don't give a fuck,
but your average citizen...

a couple of nights in County
get to fuckin' with their mind.

Ordell, this isn't a bar.
You don't have a tab.

Listen to me, all right?
You got a 44-year-old, gainfully employed
black woman falsely accused...

Falsely accused? She didn't come back
from Mexico with cocaine on her?

Falsely accused of "intent".
If she had that shit...
and mind you, I'm saying if...

that was her own personal shit
to get high with.

Is white guilt supposed to make me
forget I'm running a business?

Oh, it's like that, huh?
All right.
I got you a thousand bucks.
- Hey, Candy.
- Hey, Max.

Dropping off Lopez, Anita.
Picking up Brown, Jackie.

- Okay, no problem. You armed?
- You bet I am.

Max, here she comes.
