Liar Liar

- What time is it?
- l am sure your dad just
got held up in court again.

- Dad!
- Maximilian!

Hey, how ya doin', creep?
Me too, except my arm
has been botherin' me.

- Oh, no, Dad!
- Oh, yeah.

lt's becoming a claw!

Nothing can stop the claw!

Run, boy, run!
Save yourself!

Do the claw to Mom!
Do the claw to Mom!

Uh-oh. You found
the claw's only weakness.

Subzero temperatures!
- So, did you have any trouble
finding the place?

Okay, l'm late. l'm sorry.
l ran out of gas.

The gauge is broken.
Rough neighborhood too.

Good thing l was wearin'
neutral gang colors.

l might have had to pull out
my nine and bust a cap.

# My mind and my money
and my money and my mind #

- They would never hurt you,
Fletcher. You're their lawyer.

That was below the belt.
Keep the gloves up.

Mom, Dad's taking me
to see wrestling!

- Oh, Fletcher!
- Oh, Audrey!

Why do you have to take him
to see that stuff? lt's very violent.

The boy must grow
to be a warrior.

Who better to guide him
than Rick Rude...

and Randy Macho-man Savage
in the cage of death?

(Car Horn Honking)
(Fletcher Moans)
Oh, good!

-(Max) Jerry, how's it goin'?
-(Jerry) Hey, gipper!
