Liar Liar

No! l have to be
in court at 1:30!

- Then how are you going to go home?
- l don't know. l don't know.

Okay. Uh, Mr. Reede,
Reuben and Dunn called.

They need to know where the
Darby settlement offer stands.

l just proposed a settlement
to dick with them!(Gasps)

Dick with them.
Got it.

- And your mother called.
Are you still on vacation?
- No.

- Then you're here?
- Yes.

Thank you for clearing
that up, sir.

And your ex-wife called.
She wants to know when you're
coming to pick up your son.

Oh, l'm such a shit!
(Phone Ringing)
- Hello.
- Audrey?

Fletcher, hi. Are you still picking
Max up from school today?

Here's the thing.
l really can't!

l had a case l was certain
would settle, and it didn't,
and l have to go to court.

- Right.
- lt's true! l really
want to see Max today!

l really do.

Uh-huh, but things just keep coming up
at the last minute.

- Yes, but this time it's different.
- l see. How is that?

- Now l'm telling the truth.
- And last night you weren't.
Well, what were you doing?

Having sex!
Well, l hope that it was
with someone very special.

No! That's the thing. l don't even
like her, but she's a partner.

l thought l could help my career
by makin' her squeal.(Screams)

What's wrong with me?
l'm getting what l deserve.
l'm reaping what l sow. l'm--

(Children Chattering)
- ls Dad still picking me up?
- No, Max, he's not.

l'm sorry, but l'm gonna
pick you up, okay?

l'll work it out.
l guess my wish
didn't come true.

- What wish?
- l wished that for just one day
Dad couldn't tell a lie.

(Bell Ringing)
