Men in Black

l make this look good.
We're gonna go for a little ride.
l'll put you down here for a minute,
and Daddy will be right back.

Okay, now we're ready to go
for a little ride.

We'll meet one of Daddy's f riends,
and you'll like him.

Okay, let's see.
Bee, we got the deposed sur-prefect
of Singalee...

...touching down in the forest
outside Portland tonight.

-You wish. Bring a sponge.

Here. Red letter f rom last night.
We had an unauthorized landing
in upstate New York.

Keep your ears open
on this one.

We're not hosting an
intergalactic kegger down here.

We got a skimmer.
Landed alien out of zone.
Who is it?

He's not cleared to leave Manhattan,
but he's out of town...

...stuck on the New Jersey turnpike.
Take junior with you.
This is a good one
for him to warm up on.

Go get him, tiger.
''We're not hosting
an intergalactic kegger.''

He just....
Unlimited technology f rom the
whole universe, and we cruise around...

:38:54 a Ford POS.
Fasten your seat belt.
We gotta work on your people skills.
