Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Mr. Kelso?
Are you Mr. Kelso?
I'm Lorene Baxter.
Welcome to Savannah.

Town & Country
is my favorite magazine.

Oh, my land, where are my manners?
What can I get you to drink?

Anything cold would be great.
Mr. Williams restored this home.
One of the many he saved
from the wrecking ball.

The carriage house is reserved
for Jim's clients...

...and guests, such as yourself.
He's here.
Welcome, Mr. Kelsy.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Kelso?
- John Kelso.

Yes. I'm Betty Harty.
Sonny's been expecting you.
I'm here to see Jim Williams.
Sonny's Jim's attorney.
Well, hell...
...come on in, coach.
John Kelso.
Welcome to the old curiosity shop.
Take a seat.

You let me know.
- How was your trip?
- Fine. Mr. Williams said...

He will be right along. We have
a little business to attend to first.
