Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

You may not know it,
but you are deep in voodoo country.

I don't believe
in the hocus-pocus of it...

...but the spiritual force behind it.
The shiny dimes were easy...
...but the virgin water
was a trick or two.

How do you know she wouldn't know
the difference if it was tap water?

Not by looking or taste...
...but she would've known
in an instant by looking at my face.

I think...
...the photo-doctoring
is going to be good therapy.

What about the pleas
for daily forgiveness?

No, I don't think that's
going to be happening. Definitely not.

- Thank you.
- Have a good day.

- Hey, you.
- How are you?

- How you doing?
- Good.

You work here?
What you see is what you get.
Nothing wrong with that.
Gee, thanks.
These are nice.
You want to send some flowers?
I think so.
I don't know, though.

It's kind of complicated.
For whom?
What's she like?
I don't know her that well.
Roses are a favorite.
A bit presumptuous.
How about...
Perennials might
give the wrong impression.

- Too long-term?
- Yeah, it's hard to say.

This is complicated.
How about petunias?
They're pretty without
being presumptuous, smell nice...
