Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

...moved away.
Figured out the part
I didn't like was me.

So I worked on that,
and I moved back.

I got my first kiss right here.
Sammy Jenks.
Gave him a black eye.

You did? How hard?
That's what love'll do.
I have trouble picturing what kind of
woman you'd take the trouble to marry.

First love situation.
We got married a week after graduating
college, if you can believe that.

So what happened?
You want to hear my sob story?
I think she thought
she was marrying Norman Mailer.

She thought I'd be famous.
After the book was published, she'd wake
up at the crack of dawn on Sunday...

...make coffee, cross her fingers...
...and look in that Sunday Times.
Sure it was going to be a bestseller.

One Sunday, she didn't wake up early,
didn't make coffee...

...didn't cross her fingers...
...and I knew.
She left you
because your book wasn't a hit?

I don't know, Kelso.
It seems pretty shallow to me.

What about you and Joe Odom?
Me and Joe.
We're just friends.
We have a real musical relationship.
We're like the Steve and Eydie
of Savannah.

My God, it's quiet.
Too quiet.
Joe'll be playing at that bar
until dawn.

I should probably go.
In case you're wondering,
this is the perfect time for a kiss.

Sammy Jenks warned me about you.
