Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

...has consistently lied
about bagging the hands.

Does that surprise you...
...that a detective would lie?
Of course he will.
He's not a bad man.
But how else will he play the cards...
...that have been dealt to him
from a pack of lies?

If Jim Williams...
...is guilty of anything...
...he's guilty of bad association.
But that's not why he's on trial for.
If you don't like...
...or if you don't cotton
to his lifestyle...

...just think about this:
We deal with these people all the time.
Some good...
...some bad.
They're a part of our community.
You can't judge a man for that.
This is God's world.
Let God be the judge of that.
And let you good folks...
...be the judge of this.
Come on, now.
You let this man go home.
He's had enough.
Thank you.
