Money Talks

I'll take care of him.
- Police!
- Wait a minute!

Do you have a warrant?
What do you want?

We want your boyfriend.
You can't keep busting...
Shut up!
Wait for me!
Come on!
What the hell
are you shooting at?

He's a cop killer!
Don't be
trying to kill everybody.

For Christ's sake!
Right here. This is it.
Turn here.
All you've been doing
is bitchin'...

ever since we got together.
So I'm bitching.
I'm not used to getting shot at.

I'm not used to people getting
me into shit, so shut up.

That French dude
who killed those cops...

had a stamp on his hand
from this club.

A lot of Euro-trash
hang out here.

We're gonna go in here.
If we see him,
we're gonna call the cops...

get him busted,
and clear my name tonight.

Can I handle this?
Good evening.
James Russell, Channel 12 News.

We're doing
a report on local nightclubs.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

Oh, you're
the investigative reporter.

Yes, I am.
Get the fuck out of here.
You got
a lot of pull in this town.
