Mouse Hunt

OK, see you, then.
Yeah. Thanks for stopping by.
Ten million linen napkins.
Five million bales
of top-grade cotton fibre.

Forty thousand hot lamps complete
with rotating plate-warming trays.

Two thousand twine threaders,
gleaming under real lights.

(Ernie) My own chain of restaurants.
(Lars, echoing) April can have
anything she's ever wanted!

(Faintly) Cars, coats, china.
She loves china.

(Fan blades whooshing)
(Ernie) I'm gonna build
a swimming pool...

full of pina coladas
and a college girls.

(Lars) lf only Pop
could've seen this house!

He did. He just wasn't
smart enough to sell it.

We've turned a corner.
Our future is staring us in the face.

All we have to do is grab it,
baste it, and scarf it down!

Aha! We've finally found
our friend's home!

Well, I bought
a present for ya, buddy.

Ernie, i-it's just a little mouse.
Do we really have to kill it?

Yes. Listen to me.
A single vermin can bring you down.

Believe me, I know. (Snap) Ah...
