Nothing To Lose

- What do you think you´re doing?
- There´s a special they got goin´ on.

You get a free stack of cash
with every fill-up. Some luck, huh?

How stupid can you be?
- We better get out of here.
- You take that money back.

- l´m serious, man. We better get goin´.
- We´ll get goin´ as soon you
bring back that money.

- l´m not bullshittin´! Move out!
- l´m not going anywhere
until you return--

Here we go.
- Why? Why? Why?
- l didn´t have any money, man.

- Oh, you had money.
- No. No. That five dollars
l gave the waitress was it.

- What the--
- Oh, great. Buford´s come to kill us.

- Persistent hillbilly motherfucker.
- He has every right to be.

You robbed him at gunpoint.
You dick!

Hey, hey, you´re the one who threw
the wallet out the fuckin´ window.

Oh, shit.
- All right, man. What you doin´?
- Come on, asshole.

Well, would you look
at these crazy sons a bitches?

Oh, shit. We gonna die.
Pull off the fuckin´ road.

Man, would you pull
off the fuckin´ road!

Oh, shit!
- Oh, shit!
- Oh, shit.

Hey, Earl.
