One Eight Seven

But I ain't no schoolgirl.
Heaven forbid I'd think that.
May I come in?
Making time a reward
instead of a distraction.

I don't know why I jumped up
the way I did at lunch.

It's just weird.
It's all right.
For what it's worth,
Childress thinks you walk on water.

Is that a good thing?
It takes a lot of courage to go
back into a classroom after that.

Not if the only thing
you ever wanted was to teach.

You see, there's our predicament.
I assume you've met Benny Chacon.
Y es, I have.
Last week...
... Benny and his tagging crew...
...had Ms. Eskander
pinned in the corner over there.

She' s seven months pregnant.
So she kicks him.
If the district rules it an assault
on a student, she' s gone.

They'd do that?
She' s non -tenured.
Wouldn't be surprised
if she files for stress leave.

It' s too bad.
She was a good teacher.
Can I ask a personal question?
When you were attacked,
was it random or did you know him?

No, I knew him. I flunked him.
