One Eight Seven

Don't you ever get lonely?
Y eah, sometimes.
There' s this passage
in God's Lonely Man...

... by Thomas Wolfe where he says:
"The whole conviction of my life
rests upon the belief...

...that loneliness is the central...
...and inevitable fact
of human existence."

That' s really depressing, Trevor.
It' s just my New Y ork upbringing.
It' s not easy looking...

...on the bright side these days.
You'd feel that way after spending
a year going in and out of hospitals.

No, that wasn't that tough.
The robbery.
That was the hardest for me to get over.
What'd they steal?
My passion. The spark.
My unguarded self. I miss them.
I want them back.

If you ask me, they' re still there.
I think everyone else has given up.
They' re so beaten down.
But you' re different.
You refuse to be beaten.
Well, thank you.
Where are you going?
Got something for you.
Did you know that
Cesar Sanchez is Special Ed?

Y eah, he's S.E.D.
Severely emotionally disturbed?
That's great.
I wanted you to have this.
I can't believe...! You are so....
When I go back on my right foot,
you come forward on your left.

When I go forward on my left,
you' re back on your right.
