
i hate when they say i'm at the office
i hate it intrigues me
this book intrigues me

it's almost worse than
engaging and offensive

what are you doing?
We spent the rest of dinner practically
in complete silence

something inside me did not want to
think of something

my ears were ringing
it was my mind racing
to avoid thinking about
what it was thinking about

thanks for dinner, see you soon
don't ever bring him here again
in the next days
giovanna called me a lot

but i didn't feel like talking
tommaso just disappeared
they say paladini won't be
coming to school anymore

you're not friends anymore?
Mind your fucking business
how nice
i'm just telling you
because i found this under the desk

if you can give it to him, fine
otherwise, i don't give a shit
actually i can't stand the guy
