Perdita Durango

Mexican. I've to go after her myself.
Even if my wife thinks I'm crazy.

Sometimes it's better not to think so
much. Maybe you should read the paper.

No, no, no. That's no relief.
A man's gotta do what
his heart tells him to do.

You understand what I mean?
You can't always be in control.

Did you see what I just did?
It wouldn't have happened

if you'd been here. Think about it!
Some strange men came asking for you.
We said nothing.
They said you owed Catalina money,
but I know they were lying
because I raised you

to know the difference
between right and wrong.

I was not afraid, I have seen
so much, my grandson.

Even invisible things.
When you were born I knew

you were special that when you died,
you'd turn into a jaguar

and run along Caribbean beaches.
