Perdita Durango

So you take it
for doing me this favor.

That's most generous of you.
- Generous?

Treason is merely
a tool of resourcefulness.

I know this will be hard for you
but I firmly believe

that man must live his life
according to his own terms

or not live this life at all.
- I'm sure you are right, Mr. Santos.

And I'm sure
you'll do a good job for me.

I figure my little ladies are
wondering where I'm heading.

I'll visit a friend in Nogales.
Estrellita, come with me.

What for?
I'm thinking of selling you.
Get in, pendejo.

Where the hell are you going?
I'm going to dance with the devil
under the pale moonlight.

Go fuck yourself, Romeo!
- What's wrong? It's from Batman.

Fuck Batman!
One hit, one dollar! You want a hit?
You wanna hit, man?

Fuck, yeah!
- One dollar.

Here's 10, kick my ass!
- Si, senor, for 10 dollars

I make your hair sizzle!
- That's a car battery!
