Private Parts

Hey, man.
Free drinks.
[Faucet Squeaks]
[Water Running]
What the hell
is she doing?

I think she's
running a bath.

Oh, my God, man,
she's taking her clothes off.

I guess she forgot
to close the door.

Well, she's
a Hollywood actress.

They have a lot
on their mind.

Oh, my God.
Oh, is she cute.
Brittany: Howard?
Could you come here
for a second?

Oh. Hi.
My shoulders tense up
when I travel.

Would you mind
rubbing them for a minute?

Works best when
I'm in a hot bath.

It helps
relax the muscles.

I don't know
if that's OK or not.

It really hurts.

Look, I don't know
that I can do this.

I'll tell you what,
I'll just kneel over here,

and I'll rub your shoulders
from back here.

No. Sit behind me
in the tub.

Oh, I can't do that.
Why not?
Well, for one thing,
my clothes are gonna get all wet.

Well, then I guess
you better take them off.

I got to tell you something.
You are gorgeous,

And... And you're a great actress
and everything,

but I got a wife at home.
I can't cheat on my wife.

Then leave
your underwear on.

If you leave your underwear on,
then you can't cheat.
