Private Parts

You threw a grenade
into a school?

That's exactly
what I'm telling you.

I must've killed, like,
200 kids.

My dickhead lieutenant
comes up to me, and he says,

"Stern, those are little kids.
That counts as one person."

Howard, I was
in the military.

I was a captain in the Air Force.
What were you?

What was I?
Yeah, what were you?
- What were you again?
- I was a captain.

That's what I was.
I was a captain.

And what were you in?
I was in Vietnam.
Ohh! Army? Navy?
In the Army.
Did you have a division?
103rd what?
I was in the 103rd...
I don't know
what I was in, Robin,

But I'm saying I was
in the 103rd.

And the point
of this whole thing

is that I think a kill
is a kill is a kill,

and killing a kid should be
just as good as killing an adult.

Well, I suppose even if you're killing
children, they should count them.

I got some music
for you now at DC 101.

[Robin Chuckles]
Ha ha!
You're not even old enough
to have been in Vietnam.

I couldn't sit there
and not say something.

I knew they had told me
not to talk.

I knew I was going to get
in trouble if I did.

But he was really
onto something,

and I knew that there was
something going on there...

and I just went for it.
Well, this just came
from the FCC.

Did you say "testicles"
on the air?

Wait a second.
Screw the FCC.
We just lost Muffler Man.

Hold on. We have
a real problem here.

I'm just trying
to get ratings.

I am just trying
to run a radio station.

I understand that,
and I'm telling you

that the commercial sponsors
are there once you get the ratings.

There's a big problem.
They're gonna be
lining up 10 in a row.

You listen to me,
you stupid asshole.

Radio is a business, and
you just cost us $40,000.

Wait a second. If I do a lame show,
it's never gonna take off.

I'm calm.
I am perfectly calm.

D.C. Carpet canceled
because of him.

Well, I've reached
my limit.

I don't know about you,
but my back is against the wall.

Will everyone
just sit down?

I just want to say
one thing.
