Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

- 10?
- Going on 10.

Where are you from, Robert?
Azusa, California.
Where do you go to school up there?
I don't go to school right now,
I just got out of the hospital.
We are glad that you're out
and you look very well.

Now, you created that yourself,
did you, Robert?

Oh, it's a little television set--
sort of in relief, isn't it?
Raised out of the background.
Are you interested
in becoming an artist, Robert?

Well, you do seem to have talent.
If other things fail,

you may be able to fall back
on that in future years.

What are your interests,
professionally speaking?

To be a doctor.
I wanted to--
a couple of years ago, for a show,

make an autobiographical version
of "The visible Man"

that was pertinent
to my particular interests and problems.

So I decided my visible Man,
to mirror me,

would have green mucus
coming out of the mouth,

and of course sperm,
'cause coming and coughing

is about the only two things I do
on a consistent basis.

And also shitting--
with Cystic Fibrosis, shit--
bad digestion has been with me
all my life,

and bad runny bowels
is a constant thing,

so I figure my visible Man
should shit all the time.

The next question was,
"What should I use for the fluids? "

So I start with the sperm,
that's the easiest thing to do,

it just comes right out of the bottle.
What better thing for sperm
than White Rain Hair Conditioner?

Let's see.
Just look at it.

That is great come.
I don't come like this,
by the way.

This is wishful thinking on my part.
'Cause when I come,
it's like--

I could masturbate for hours and hours,
and then ejaculate, I think--
I would have an orgasm
and nothing happens.
