Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

Finally, I came up
with the idea of good old Alberto VO5

and just went back
to the old tempera paint.

Powdered tempera.
Once this--
gets gooey--

great brown-shit-looking stuff.
That first one's always the hardest,
isn't it?

I could watch that for hours.
It's better than a fish tank.

This is the fish tank of the '90s.
This is called a "portacath",
it's under my skin.
It's always there.

And when I have to go on antibiotics
they access it with a needle

into this little portacath up here.
So I have a central line
which basically goes

into my vein right to the heart.
When we were in 6th grade,
I used to like--

I don't how graphic
I'm gonna get on this--

I would be going at it in the bedroom
and the bed would be squeaking,
by myself.

The door would be open
and he's sleeping in the bedroom

across the hall.
And suddenly I'd hear,
"Tim, I know what you're doing."

I'm gonna tell Mom.
You better stop!"

I don't remember that at all.
So to me he was this moral cop.
I know, that's what's so hysterical.
By the time we got into
early adolescence and early puberty

it was like, no,
he was this absolute Puritan-

the first one
that told my parents I was doing drugs;

the first one to, you know, to sort of
rat on me about everything
that I was doing wrong.

I thought that
he was just extremely religious

and spiritual and moral.
I felt like this decadent,
horrible human being.
