Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

So, I'm in the hospital-- again.
Called Sheree a couple of times.
She's bored.
She's depressed because I'm sick.
Talking about all the losses
in her life...

I guess,
'cause she thinks she's losing me.

I don't know--
I keep coming in the hospital

and everybody says I look okay,
everybody says I sound great,

and I come into the hospital
and I feel like shit,

and I think I'm dying.
Then I come into the hospital

and I feel okay and I wonder
what I'm doing in the hospital.

Then I go out of the hospital
and I feel like shit.

On and on and on.
"Dear, Mr. Flanagan,
I'm a wish-granter
for the Make-A-Wish Foundation

of Ontario, Canada.
I am presently
in the process of granting awish

for 17-year-old Sara.
Sara has CF with serious lung disease.
Her prognosis is not very good.
The hospital where she is being treated
has referred her

to our foundation for a wish.
When I contacted Sara about a wish,
she knew immediately what she wanted--
it is something she has always wanted--
it is to meet you."

The book, "Supermasochist," kind of--
that's the only thing I had of him--
was almost like my Bible.
I couldn't go through a page
without crying.

And everybody thought
that was completely warped--

looking at some guy with
all these pierces through his penis,

and I start crying,
- "Oh God, I can't believe it!"
- She did.

Everyone was like, "What do you see
when you look at this man?

What do you see?"
I carried it with me everywhere.

Then I got really sick in--
what was it, July?

- The end of April.
- The end of April.

- Then I went in the hospital.
- She was on 100% oxygen,

and wasn't getting enough oxygen.
Her lips were blue.
Her hands and feet were blue.

She really was... very, very sick.
And I thought I was gonna die,
and I kept telling everybody.

And they were saying, "No, no, no,"
'cause no one had told them
that I was dying.

And I have a social worker
through the clinic,
