Soul Food

BIRD: You just take my man.
I'll see how you do.

AHMAD: Oh, and this is Simuel.
For Bird, he was one of
the skeletons in the closet...

Big Mama said we all had.
LEM: All right.
MAXINE: Look who's here.
TERl: What's he doing?
MAXINE: I don't know.
BIRD: Get out of my way.
SIMUEL: Heh heh.

Would you look at this fool?

Lem wasn't doing any better...

in the "skeletons in the closet"

MAXINE: I'm going to get her.
Come on, Teri.

AHMAD: That was him with his ex,
bumpin' and grindin'.


Who's Big Mama's
favorite grandbaby?

I am.
What would my sweet pea do
for Big Mama?

Then go tell Aunt Bird
to get her butt in here...

with her new husband now.
AHMAD: Being Big Mama's favorite
wasn't easy...

especially when it came
to keeping the peace.

But I always did
what she asked...

even if it meant
charging into a bathroom...

full of fine,
half-dressed women.

MAXINE: Ahmad, what you want?
-Yo, Bird.

Big Mama said
get your black ass out here.

Big Mama ain't told nobody
to get nowhere.

Stay out of grown folks'

-Can't believe what I saw.
-Me either.

BIRD: Who invited Simuel?
MAXINE: I didn't.
TERl: Doesn't matter. Why were
you letting him feel you up?

MAXINE: Now your man's dancing
with some Miss Hootchie Mama...

Iike there weren't no wedding
10 minutes ago.
