Soul Food

NICOLE: Open up, Bird!
AHMAD: So Aunt Teri was
calling in Cousin Blimp...

You are so silly.
to whup Uncle Lem's ass...
What you doing?
'cause she thought
Lem had beat up Bird.

Hey...come here, now.
Big misunderstanding.
Mmm, with your fine self.
You knew things were gonna get
worse before they got better.

MAXINE: My other baby, huh?
KENNY: Mm-hmm.
That's how it was when my aunts
fixed each other's messes.

Smellin' all good...
TERl: Hey, no guns.
You hear me?

MAXINE: Uh-uh.
You gonna get in trouble.

What you talkin' 'bout?
The doctor said
we gotta wait six weeks.

MAN: Give me a shot.
-It's been six weeks.
-No, it ain't.

You know that you're wrong.
[Light knocking on door]
Did you hear that?
-It's the door.
-It wasn't no door.

Hello. Maxine, is Kenny there?

Someone's at the door.
Go see.

This is Rick down at the bar.
Your brother-in-law
is down here...

See who's there.
and he's getting wasted.
Didn't know whether
to call Bird or not.

You need to send somebody
to get him.

LEM: Hey. What's up, man?
KENNY: What's up, man?
There you go.
I was just...l mean,
I don't even know why I'm here.

AHMAD: There he is...
Cousin Blimp.

If you're busy,
I'll come back later.

He's one of those cousins
you don't see much...

No, no. Come on in, man.
'cause he's always spends
so much time in jail.

MAXINE: Who's there, Kenny?
Of all the people Aunt Teri
could have called...

It's Lem.
to teach Lem a lesson...
I can't believe
she called Blimp.

After you, brother.
BLIMP: Give me some brews.
A couple for my boys, too.

-How you doin', Lem?

RICK: Who's paying?
He's paying for it.
Yeah, right, motherfucker.
I need to talk to you
for a minute.

Don't shit me, motherfucker!
It's kind of personal.
Ha ha!
What is wrong with you, punk?

Hit that punk!
I'll blow
your motherfucking brains out!

-Should've brought my gat.
-Shut up!

That's how we got this one.
You better quit.

So, uh, what's up, Lem?
BIRD: Stop the car, Kenny!
Kenny, pull over!

BIRD: Lem ! Lem !
I was, um...
KENNY: Ahmad, stay in the car!
I was fired from my job today.
BIRD: That's my husband!
