Soul Food

AHMAD: I don't know why we left
Aunt Teri's house so fast...

or why Teri was so upset
all of a sudden.

All I know is she didn't speak
the whole trip.

We headed back to my house.
was getting together...

for my Mom and Dad's
11th-year anniversary party.

Happy anniversary!


FAITH: One more kiss.
["What About Us" playing]
I know you think
I been avoiding you.

KENNY: All right. Look out now.
Watch me now.

But every time
I come to visit...

people are doing stuff to you
or arguing around you.

I know you're wondering
how everyone is doing.

Not good.
We didn't have
a Sunday dinner yesterday.

Aunt Bird said nobody showed up.
Where's my baby?
After church, Mom didn't
feel like cooking at home...

so Daddy brought home
some Mickey D's.

We were all
on the toilet all night.

[Romantic music playing]
We need you, Big Mama.
AHMAD: There sure seemed to be
a lot of tension in the air...

I was thinking that, too.
especially between
Teri and Miles.

Maybe when you
get out of here...

At one point,
I think I saw Aunt Teri crying.

I could help you
turn the ground over.

As you called it,
put some fertilizer down.

Not even my mama could say why.
Yeah, I'll help you.
KENNY: Good God almighty.
AHMAD: At least my folks
were getting along...
