
I'm content fighting battles
from the senate floor.

Maybe a Speaker of the House.
Sorry. Not good enough.
In other words,
you're not asking me.

And if I refuse?
I see a closet opening.
Your own Pandora's box.

You could do that, but then
I'd have to call the president...

about a certain international tea party
you're throwing with DOD ordnance.

The scandal would make Watergate
and lran Contra...

seem like a mild fart
on Capitol Hill.

Look, McMillan,
you get something straight right now.

This isn't just about you and me.
Last time I checked,
you had friends and family.

I can make them suffer too.
But more importantly...

who's going to protect your bastard son
Billy from New York's finest?

I hear the cons on Riker's
despise child killers.

Raped one last year
with a band saw.

We're in bed together, Senator.
We have been for quite a while.

So relax, bend over...
and enjoy it.
and enjoy it.
What the hell's it about this alley,

- The atmosphere.
- What do we know?

More of Tony Twist's crew.
Right. Troubleshooters.
Guys sent in to settle scores.
Precisely, sir.
Looks like they got settled instead.
No reporters this time.
Perhaps he was allowed to leave.
Sending a message to big Tony.
