The Game

- You're with them.
- What?

You're part of this.
Whose are these?
Somebody put 'em in the car!
- You're behind the whole thing.
- You brought them to me!

Listen to yourself!
You're not gonna control
this conversation!

Why would I do
what you're describing?

- You resent me!
- Stop being emotional.

Lower your voice!
Afraid somebody's
gonna witness a scene?

Get back in your fucking house!
I'm calling the cops.
What is wrong with you?
I'm sorry I didn't live up
to expectations!

I'll never be you.
I don't wanna be you!

- There you go again.
- I'm your brother!

Pushing the
responsibility on me.

For Christ's sake,
I'm your brother!

All I tried to do was help you.
I don't want your help.
Nobody asked you to play Dad!

You don't say that!
Did I have a choice?
