The Game

Connie? Really?
I always liked your brother.

Just another birthday.
Because of your father.
That's right.
He was 48, wasn't he?

I hadn't really thought
about it till now.

Why do I call?.
I honestly don't know.
Please send Dr Mel
and Rachel my best.

She has a little
brother on the way.

We did the ultrasound.
An official nuclear family.
You must be very pleased.
We are. We are very pleased.
Well, it's good
to talk with you.

I guess I should let you go.
Take care of yourself.
You too, Nicholas.
I mean that. I really do.

Be well. Bye.
A proposal to encourage
small businesses

to provide their employees
with health insurance

is now being debated
by Washington legislators.

The bill, which attaches
small business health plans

to those of larger corporations,
is receiving initial support
from a number of key
Republican readers.

However, Democratic law-makers
are voicing serious concerns
about the bill,

I just wanna make sure
we understand each other.

Once you get it down on paper,
We understand.
We'll talk soon.
