The Hanging Garden

- You look good.
- You, too.

Come here!
- Help me with this fucking dress, will you?
- Bye.

quite a catch you got there.

Hold up this end,
or I'm going to soak my panties.

I've been drinking like a camel today.
That feels good.
I'm going to burn a fucking hole
in this thing.

You must feel
like you're in the twilight zone.

- Your husband's coming on to me.
- I'll divorce the fucker!

Are you scared?
I don't have to be scared
with you to protect me, do I?

- Fuck off! I was never like that!
- You were.

Always made me look like the stupid one.
You are the stupid one.
Give me some toilet paper.

- I can't believe Pete's still alive.
- I know. Here, hold my smoke.

It's the saddest thing. Jesus.
Been bumping his head
on the same fucking spot...

for the past two years.
Jesus, you're skinny.
I thought the measurements you told
your sister must have been all wrong...

so I got the big size.
I had no idea you'd...
You look very handsome...
Maybe a little thin, you know.
- You haven't been sick?
- I'm fit as a fiddle, Mom.

There's food. There's cold cuts
and all kinds of desserts.

I'm fine.
You have to have something.
You must be starving, after such a long trip.
