The Hanging Garden

I am skinny.
You have a friend now?
What's his name?
His name is Dick.
What does your Dick do?
Do you love him?
Funny, that's what he says.
I love Dick.
And you're not unhappy anymore?
I'm very happy.
Happy enough.
I thought I would never see you again.
I thought you hated me.
I love you.
Of course I love you.
I've never heard you tell Poppy
you love him, but I know you do.

Don't tell me that I love him,
because you know I don't.

Then why do you stay here?
This was our house, goddamn it,
yours and mine.

And your sister's, and now Violet's.
If I could have given you this on my own,
I would have.

How am I supposed to pay the rent?
If I didn't have you kids, I'd be...
I'd be somewhere warm, at least.
Sorry to have been a burden.
Your father used to cry
every year on your birthday.

Poor guy!
He blames me for you. Me and Laurel.
He'd have let the garden die
if I hadn't tended...

You think everything would die
if you didn't take care of it.

I'm sorry.
