The Ice Storm

Sandy !
You idiotic little dope !

You could blow yourself fucking
sky-high with this demented crap !

[ Whispering ]

I'll take this.
[ Sighs ]

You're not gonna tell
Dad, are you ?

Would it matter ?
What's this ?
You know, it's the whip--
the one Uncle Frank
got me from Mexico.

It's not packed
with explosives, is it ?

Play with the whip.
- You turned them all down, didn't you ?
- Well, I didn't love them.

Isn't it a fact that you turned
them down because these men wanted--

- Hi, Wendy.
- Hi, Mrs Carver.

Mikey, have you heard the explosions
coming from the back yard ?

- [ Television Continues, lndistinct ]
- I don't know.

Do you know what
your brother's been up to ?

I don't know.
- ...a secret intention
not to want children ?
- [ Sighs ]

- [ Woman On Television ]
That's not true !
- Didn't you--

No, sir. I want children
very much and so does Bill.

[ Television Continues,
lndistinct ]

Then, when that happened, you went to
another doctor and got a prescription.

- No, that is not true.
- Excuse me.
Don't you kids have homework ?
