The Peacemaker

DIA and NR0. You have responsibility
for primary SAT imagery...

Excuse me, ma'am.
I don't mean to interrupt.

- Yes?
- Um, these terrorists...

Have they asked for anything,
a list of demands?

Russians out of Chechnya...?
No, but it's not unusual for days,
even weeks to go by

before a claim of responsibility
is made.

- Yeah.
- Air mob command is...

Excuse me again. Ma'am. I'm sorry.
That's a satellite shot of the
trains just before they collided.

Perhaps you should discuss
Special 0p possibilities?

Right. General Garnett has Special
0perations command at full alert.

- Excuse me.
- I'm sorry to keep interrupting.

You see these blobs right here?
Those are people jumping off
the train before it crashes.

Now look at that train.
That's the one with the nuke.

Nobody's jumpin' off that. Why not?
They were already dead.
How many warheads
were on the train?

The Russians haven't confirmed yet.
So we have no idea
of potential yield?

Are you suggesting
this was a robbery?

Whoever did this had access to
Russian satellite positioning intel.

That leaves out your Chechen rebels.

I would like to point out
that 1,500 people
were killed last night.

You don't do that unless you want
to make a profound statement.

Do you know how much a nuke
is worth on the market?

Minimum $200 million, cash.
$200 million
is a very profound statement.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
The detonation was a smoke screen.

This was a hijacking,
and whoever stole these things

got off the bus a long way back.

Well, we will certainly be
considering your theory.
