The Peacemaker

0K, just...just stay still.
Stay there.
Stay still.
It's OK.
You don't wanna die like this.
Tell me about the bomb.
Is it on the trigger?

Is it on a timer? Is it activated?
Come on, talk to me.
We can decide on a way out of this.
Who decided for my wife?
My child, murdered. Huh?
For what?
For what?
For breathing?
For smiling?
And now, I am left.
Who decides for me?
Mr Gavrich, what is it you want?

I want it to be...
:49:25 it was.
Sir, it's not our war.
- It is now.
- No!

Son of a bitch.
Where the hell is NEST?
- It's on a timer.
- Listen, the bomb's on a timer.

Ken, where the hell are they?
- I don't know.
- Ken, tell me NEST is here.

They'll be there in four minutes.'
