The Sweet Hereafter

Yes, l will accept the charges.
Daddy? lt's me. How are you?
Hi. Fine.
That's great. Where are you?
What's that sound?

l'm in a car wash.
l've never talked to you
when you've been in a car wash.

Make sure the windows
are rolled up.

Remember when
we were in the car wash

and l started playing
with the automatic window?

How old was l, Daddy?
Five or six?
l got soaked, remember?
Why are you calling me, Zoe?
Why am l calling you?
You're my father.

l'm not supposed to call you?
What's the matter with
wanting to talk to you?

Nothing's wrong with
trying to talk to me.

Then what's the problem?
The problem is...
l don't know
who l'm talking to right now.

You think l'm stoned?
ls that what you're thinking?

You think l've got
a needle in my arm?

Are you thinking
that l've scored, Daddy,

that l'm calling you
for money, that l'm begging?

God, l don't
fucking believe this.

Are you listening to me?
Why can't you talk to me?
Because l need to know
what state you're in, Zoe,

before l know
how to talk to you.

Come on. Let's go.
Speak a little softer
And work a little louder
And shoot less, with more care
