The Sweet Hereafter

and ours is to try
and maximize them.

That's the way you have to
think of it, Nicole,

as people
doing their jobs.

There's no good guys
or bad guys.

There's just their side
and our side.

-l won't lie.
-l don't want you to lie.

No matter what l'm asked,
l'll tell the truth.

Of course.
l need you to tell the truth.

l'll be right there
to advise you.

There'll be a court stenographer
who will record everything.

That's what will go
to the judge before the trial.

lt'll be the same for everyone.
They'll be deposing
the Ottos, the Walkers,

Dolores, your mom and dad.
-l'll make sure you go last.

So as you can
go on getting well,

so that you're able
to get up there and do this.

Because it won't be easy.
You do understand that?

When do they award the damages?
That depends. lt could drag on
for quite a while.

We'll be there at the end,
Sam, don't you worry.
