The Sweet Hereafter

l'm here about your children,
Mr. Ansell.

-My name--
-l don't want to know your name.

l understand.
No, you don't.
Get the fuck away from the bus.

l can help you.
Not unless you can
raise the dead.

Here. You may change your mind.
Mitchell Stephens,
Esquire, tell me,

would you sue me
if l was to beat you right now?

l mean beat you so bad you'd
piss blood and couldn't walk.

That's what l'm about to do.
-l wouldn't sue you.
-You leave us alone.

You leave the people
of this town alone.

-You can't help.
-You can help each other.

Several people in the town...
have agreed to let me represent
them in a negligence suit.

Your case as an individual
will be stronger...
