The Sweet Hereafter

l was alone.
My sister Jenny was sick,
and she stayed home that day.

Was there anything unusual
about the driver, Mrs. Driscoll,

or the bus
that particular morning?

Like what? l mean,
l don't remember a lot.

l object to
that form of question.

Note that, please.
Was the bus on time?
And where did you sit
that particular morning?

My usual place--the first seat
on the right side.

And according
to your recollection,

there was nothing unusual
in the drive that morning?

Until the accident?
There was a brown dog that ran
across the road up there.

Dolores slowed down
so that she wouldn't hit it,

and he ran into the woods.
And then Dolores drove on...
and turned onto
the Marlowe Road as usual.

l remember that.
-l'm remembering pretty clearly.
-You are?

Note that she said
''pretty clearly,'' not ''clearly.''

What was the weather like
at this time?

lt was snowing.
Unless the report from
the National Weather Bureau...

for the district
on December the sixth...

goes into the record,
l'm going to object
to that question.

l'll offer that report.
Well, then, now that your memory
seems to be clearing...

can you tell us
what else you observed?

''lt's dull in our town
since my playmates left.
