The Sweet Hereafter

''There was a rustling
that seemed like a bustling...

''of merry crowds jostling
and pitching and hustling.

''Small feet were pattering,
wooden shoes clattering,

''little hands clapping,
and little tongues chattering.

''And like fowls in a farmyard
when barley is scattering,

''out came the children running.
''All the little boys and girls,
''with rosy cheeks
and flaxen curls,

''and sparkling eyes
and teeth like pearls,

''tripping and skipping,
''ran merrily after...
''the wonderful music,
the shouting and laughter.''

''When, lo, as they reached
the mountainside...''

''a wondrous portal
opened wide...''

''as if a cavern
were suddenly hollowed,

''and the piper advanced
and the children followed.''

''And when all were in
to the very last...''

''the door in the mountainside
shut fast.''

''Did l say all?
''No. One was lame...''
''and could not dance
the whole of the way.''

''And in afteryears,
if you would blame his sadness,

''he was used to say...''
''lt's dull in our town
since my playmates left.''

''l can't forget
that l'm bereft...

''of all the pleasant sights
they see,

''which the piper
also promised me.''

''For he led us, he said,
to a joyous land...''

''joining the town
and just at hand...''
