
Now...Now then, every time
I see someone,

they say, you know, "You look
so much younger in person."

The first one that I did, um...
I think was around '72.
Um, I got a call
to come to New Y ork.

They had done
one convention first,

and I think it wasn't
really a convention.

They got together
with about 35 or 40 or 50--

the way I heard the story--
of fans of Star Trek

that just wanted to get together and
talk about the show, which they did.

And they said, "You know,
why don't we put our money together

and rent a hotel ballroom?"
"And talk about
our mutual interest

and show each other
what we have collected so far

in the way of tapes
or paraphernalia or photographs."

If we could get 300 people
to attend,

we could...we could pay for it."
And I thought,
"They're inviting me to New Y ork?

They said they're
willing to pay expenses

and, you know, fly me there
and put me up in a hotel."

I thought,
"These people are foolish."

And, uh...
there was something like,
I think there were around
3,000 or 4,000 people showed up,

and it was absolutely wild then.
They had to call the fire
department into the hotel
to let them in in increments.

Everything came to a dead stop.
It was jam-packed with humanity.

The revolving doors
couldn't revolve.

The escalators refused
to operate anymore.

The elevators stopped working.
And the din out there indicated
it was more than 30 people.

The woman went onstage
and introduced me,

and I stepped out, and the place
exploded in applause.
