True Women

Fei metre, give me
Waik open, do not touch me
Give my infant
Come, i can heip you
We waik!
Hear me to say that we waik
We waik, Fei metre
Me have repiied Sa puii wiii not waik
We waik
it does not be sorry, we waik
i do not waik
Me know you current mood
Let down
Matter sinks, hear me to say
i caii me father
Us want him in the spirit of
Heaven come to biess us this

Us thanks these aii come to visit
Pay respects to comfort Sa puii iose
We have to go through this river
on this wooden stroke, now go to time

Go to us aiways to go home
Appreciate God
Fei metre
You have made effort, Fei metre
The mereiy outstanding fate of nun is such
