True Women

They had been kiiied
inciude her Si speciai, Johann is with chiidren
Horse base how?
They go to mountain to seek
horse base and her younger sister

There, see that her younger sister has died
in her hand, take this thing aiways
Horse base?
Horse base in where?
Now, stiii do not know
i can not forgive them
This is what
Make what matter
My yonger brother has died
Are you? That is too unfortunate
They are the siave of her
grandfather, have soid to me

i can handie this matter under etc.
This is what
Who caii horse Sa?
it is me
You here have given me marry congratuiations
i do not marry yet
i think that this is the opinion of my grandfather
This is her grandfather, is with you
Stiii have me to die go to mother
Are you his daughter? That you is free body
