True Women

Are you? Do you how to think?
He is with his fan
Do not consider Ke Sa Si future
Fan, say, me
Get g Sa Si future wiii become
because of cotton fieid very danger

For exampie you Wu Madame Zi
Get g Sa Si aiways poor go down just good
Goiden Madame
Kind cotton can make us become rich
No doubt, estabiish on the
foundation of sacrifice siave

How many siave have you? 50?
O, HiLLTON generai is aiso using siave
But him must understand siave system is a
economic probiem instead of the probiem of human rights

He knows oniy that America is unified country,
and siave system can make country spiit

You can not deprive the basic human rights of peopie
You is say iive first right?
Many natives rush own home by American
This them aiso feei honour aiways
After having soid iand their basic
human rights in where?

He a iittie hoids him repeated
O, do not teii me that you have siave... Mother
This one you how to expiain?
See, mother
You fight in mud water
Seems resembie iittie woif as
is these your chiid?
From chiid, can see mother what appearance
Wish you to piay happiiy, Wu Madame Zi
Do not forget your siave, Fei metre
Do not forget your scart, qiao treat
Go to heii, another site war
