Wag the Dog

Mr. Levy, is the situation
in Albania related...

to the Muslim fundamentalist
anti-American uprising?

Now they get it.
There you go.
There's a little help.

...that have
fundamentalist movements...

How close are you to this?
What do you want the kid to say?
We will keep you apprised
of any new information.

At this time,
there is no information...

Have him say...
l know we're all concerned
for the president.

l'm sure that our hopes
and prayers are with him.

Could you have Levy say...
"l know we're all concerned
for the president.

"l'm sure our hopes
and prayers are with him."

l want to say l know we are all
concerned for the president...

and our hopes and prayers
are with him.

He didn't phrase it right.
He didn't sell the line.
You bought yourself one day,
maybe two.

All l need
is 11 till the election.

This isn't gonna hold
for 11 days.

-The guy fucked a Girl Scout.
-A Firefly Girl.

He fucked a Firefly Girl.
What are you gonna do
to hold that off?

l'm gonna get my veggie shake.
What do you think
would hold it off?

You'd have to have a war.
You're kidding.
You're not kidding.

l'm in show business.
Why come to me?

l'll tell you why.
"54, 40, or fight."
What does that mean?

-lt's a slogan.
-"Remember the Maine."

"Tippecanoe and Tyler, too."
They're war slogans.
We remember the slogans,
not the wars.

You know why?
That's show business.
That's why we're here.

Naked girl, covered in napalm.
