Wag the Dog

We need you here yesterday.
All right?
Get your ass out here.

The president wonders about
the possible Albanian backlash.

You can't have a war
without an enemy.

We could, but it would be dull.
How long do we need him?
We're done in 11 days.
Eleven days. We need you.
You want to write a song for us?
ls there gonna be a back end?
ls there a back end?
Back end?
Percentage points, money.
Count on it.
Where is the back end
coming from?

lt's like
that yellow ribbon thing.

The hostages.
They tied the yellow ribbons
around everything.

But that was
a naturally occurring--

That was a put-up job?
l want you to get Johnny
a ticket.

Fad King on two.
He's riding in a pickup truck
with a shotgun and a dog.

Are you shitting me?
King, got a thing here,
product placement.

Of course there's a back end.
-lt can't be a ribbon.
-What's wrong with a ribbon?

AlDS has
the yellow ribbon thing.

Fuck ribbons.
Our neighbor to the north...

all of a sudden transformed
into that place from whence...

like the north wind,
terror comes.

l like that. Keep talking.
What guards us against Canada?
l guard the Canadian border.
Mounties guard the border.
Mountie hats.

Stupid fucking hats.
Davy Crockett had a hat.
You could crush them
and put them in your pocket.

You can't put a mountie hat
in your pocket.

You see this?
This is what producing is.

You put me in a room
with talent...electric.

l'm thinking armbands.
-Armbands is good.
-l'm thinking green.

Last year, the number one color
in new cars was green.

-People like green.

Hunter green.
Strong, pride, dignity.
