Wag the Dog

Our spy satellites...
show no secret
terrorist training camps...

in the Albanian hinterland.
The border patrol, the FBl,
the RCMP report...

no untoward activity...

along our picturesque
Canadian border.

The Albanian government
is screaming its defense.

The world is listening.
There is no war.
There's a war.
l'm watching it on television.

Who might you be?
-Conrad Brean.
-Who do you work for?

Nobody whose name
you want me to say.

lt's all well, but when the fit
hits the shan...

somebody has to stay
after school.

Who might that be?
l don't know
what you're talking about.

The spy satellites show it.
They show no war.
Then what good are they?
Why spend a quarter trillion
dollars a year on defense?

What good are they?
Are they useless or just broken?
l would like
to point out further...

that these medications
taken in conjunction--

lf there's no threat,
then where are you?

lf there's no threat,
what good are you?

You are the threat.
l'm the threat?
What have l been doing
the last 30 years...

that you haven't been doing?
The last 30 years...
l have been working to ensure
the security of my country.

l'm sure that speaks well
of you and your parents...

but if forced to choose between
the security of your country...

and the security of your job,
which would you pick?

While you hesitate,
permit me to suggest...

that they are one in the same.
l'm doing my job.
That's what you see me doing.

l'm doing my job, too.
The constant stress
l am under...

Let me ask you
a simple question.

Why do people go to war?
l'll play your silly game.
To ensure their way of life.
