Wag the Dog

Get me the Pentagon...
a list of people in all
military special programs.

"Left behind like an old shoe."
That is good.

l want to talk to Johnny.
What is it?
The war is over.
We're going to need a new song.
lt should be a song
about a shiny shoe...

a black patent shoe...
a good old shoe.
l was on my way to get drunk.
You get drunk, but l need
a good old shoe song.

A ballad of loss...
-Want to help me?

Loss and redemption
is very good.

What key do you want it in?

l don't know keys.
People here are depressed
because the war just ended.

Please give me a new song.
l got him.
King, Pentagon.
Take it.
l need a list
of military special programs.

Bottom of the ninth.
They don't know
who they're playing with.

They don't shut down
our picture.

You people gonna be long?
l'll put away the equipment.

l don't know what l'm doing.
l think l'm supposed
to be writing a song.

What kind of song?
ls there anybody there named...

l got a great idea.
Old shoe, new shoe.
Daddy had a hound dog...
used to call him Blue.
Follow me 'round...
stick to me like glue.
His favorite thing
to play with...

used to be a good ol' shoe.
Wait a minute.
Used to be.
