Wag the Dog

Folk music section, 1930.
Right away, please.
Get it in
the Library of Congress now.

Oh, God.
Who's seeing
the CBS guy tonight?

Tonight, you remember some song
from the folk song days--

about a good old shoe.
You're with him watching
the president's speech--

What if he's busy?
-Lure him.
-What are you saying?

l don't have to be
your confessor, darling.

Tell him you've got info
on the sex scandal...

it's on your conscience.
He'll drop whatever he's doing.
This is a shitty business.
lt needs no ghost from the grave
to tell us that...

but, Lord willing,
eight days from now...

l'm gonna take you
into the second term.

Wait till you hear the speech.
The 303 speech. Great.
Where's that Fad King?
l'll get him.
Could we go now?
A good plan today is better
than a perfect plan tomorrow.

How are they doing
on Sergeant Schumann?

They're working on him,
they're finding him.

Good. lt's working.
lt's all happening.
lt's taking place around us.

lt is in the works.
lt is being addressed.

We are being proactive.
We are going out with what
may be the finest example--

Get me an update on the army,
the Pentagon.

Get this guy Schumann.
Have him standing by.
l gotta tell you,
l see a lot of glum faces.

Please don't be disconsolate.
This is politics at its finest.
This is where the rubber
meets the road.

We've got a leader
going out tonight...

to 95 million American homes.
He's gonna turn
this thing around.

You think this is tough?
l was 4 months into production
on The Song of Solomon...

found out l didn't
have the rights.

Turn it up. lt's our spot.
Tough? This is nothing.
Will you look at that shit?
'Cause you don't change
horses in midstream.

Don't change horses.
This speech is good.
