Wag the Dog

Years ago, when l first
went out to Hollywood...

they said,
"lt's too theatrical."

l was from the theater.
Everything was over their heads.

He thinks it's corny.
Don't tell me it's corny.
Tell him l'm comin'.
My fellow Americans,
l thank a merciful God...

and l am sure
each and every one of us...

will thank that Supreme Power...
whatever we conceive
that power to be...

that peace is at hand.
The threat of nuclear terrorism
has been quelled.

Mr. President, l'm using
a little more projection...

because l think this speech
needs a little umph.

Bear with me.
Thank you so much.
That was so moving.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
l felt very much at home
in there.

Simple quirk of fate.
l could have gone this way.
lt's all a change in wardrobe.
Was it too much?
l'll tell you.
You did it.
You jumped in there...
and saved the thing
when the thing needed saving.

lt wasn't too much?
Maybe it was.
The president doesn't
have to say it that way.

lt's like Plato once said.
lt doesn't matter
how you get there...

as long as you get there.
He said that?
What is it exactly
you do for the president?

My fellow Americans,
l thank a merciful God...

and l'm sure all of us
will thank that Supreme Power...

whatever we conceive
that power to be...

that peace is at hand.
