
You're amusing.
But when you're not
at your best, you're no-one.

All I asked for
was a glass of water.

For Christ's sake!
There you are, then!
Now will you shut up
about the fucking water?
There are two boys
waiting out there.

If you're not coming,
I'll fuck them both myself.

I'll take them to the Grand
and fuck them in front
of the whole fucking hotel.

And I'll send you the bill.
Drink this.
It will help
your fever.

He's ashamed of loving men.
His father bullies him,
his mother spoils him
and then berates him
for being spoiled.

Neither of them gives him
any real love.

They're torturing him.
What's truly dreadful...
is that when it...
When he can't bear it

and he has one of his...
he becomes exactly
like his father.

He hates himself for that.
You're too kind
about him, Oscar.

You can't be too kind
about someone
who's been so hurt.

Yet if I go on
trying to come between Bosie
and his father...

they'll destroy me.
Bosie's quite capable
of destroying you
on his own.

Look how much you wrote
while he was away.

Two wonderful plays
which will run for years.

Back comes Bosie,
what have you
written since?

You know how much I...
